I have been reading The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. This book is the first book in a long time that has managed to completely enthrall me, and immediately inspire me to take action as an educator, as a mother, and as a community member.

The infographic below captures some of my initial thoughts and ideas as I’ve made my way through chapters 1 – 5.

In a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) school, what challenges are we seeing?

  • Family-owned devices limits the programs we can use for monitoring
  • Kids chatting during class
  • Playing games
  • Switching screens as soon as the teacher walks by
  • Inconsistent supervision across teachers
  • Cell phones to talk to parents (is that ok?)
  • Some teachers allow for certain things, others don’t (text your parent for this or that…)
  • Cell phones needed (?) when they go off campus for lunch

Other points made in the book that I see in school:

  • Over-supervision at recess
  • Reduced Focus/Attention span across many grades
  • Too much (?) interference for conflict resolution
  • Mixed aged play but we tend to limit for behaviour and conflict purposes

Thoughts as a parent/individual:

  • What do we model?
  • Finding the right parent group to join together
  • Prolonged phone use in bed or on couch
  • Divided attention
  • Heartbroken at the thought that my son could think I value the phone more than him

Action Ideas:

  • Parent Book Club
    • Create a Book Club discussion guide for other schools/parents
  • Parent Book Club within community
  • Let Grow Experience
  • Host a conference

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